Everyone Say "Social Distancing"!
This year has been interesting to say the least. We've gone through lockdowns, shutdowns and just when we seem to be rounding the corner we're hit with new information or a new outbreak that starts the timer over. Like many other professions, photography took a huge hit when the lockdowns went into effect. Sessions of all types were strongly discouraged for months putting the entire industry in a state of confusion wondering when it would let up.
Fast forward a few months and we have been able to run outdoor sessions while following social distancing guidelines and protocols while wearing masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. While the lack of indoor shooting has put a lot of my plans on hold, the plethora of beautiful parks and other outdoor locations has helped compensate for that. The Twin Cities area has so many great options to work with these somewhat uncertain times, but many people aren't sure just what to expect or how to approach a session with COVID.
As with most things, doing a photo session during the pandemic is going to come down to your comfort level with being out in public. While people are desperate to get outside and get fresh air at all the great parks, there has been plenty of space to practice safe social distancing that I've seen these last few months. I've had great success with clients simply wearing a mask and taking direction from afar as we progress through their sessions.
Still not sure about a session during the pandemic? Feel free to drop me a line on the "Contact" page, I'd love to hear from you!