No Special Occasion Necessary

Just a fun activity for two

There's always photos of couples around celebrating their engagement or celebrating a pregnancy announcement, but you don't see many photos of couples just for fun. There's this stigma, for some reason, that photos of couples need to be celebrating something or be for some big life event. The simple fact is that you don't need some big life event to have a fun photo session for you and your significant other, you can just celebrate the love you have fo reach other.

Couples sessions are rapidly becoming a favorite of mine, especially with couples that are willing to have a little fun with it. There's no pressure to get a "perfect shot" for any announcement or anything special, it's just time with the one you love and celebrating your relationship (and maybe a little goofing off). It frees up the options for poses and prompts and keeps things light and fun. One way I like to make these different from an engagement style session is to just follow the couple around and keep talking to them as we go. I've found that doing this keeps things flowing naturally and produces much more natural and candid results as opposed to forced poses and awkward smiles.

One thing I want to try once the pandemic calms down is a photo date. The idea here is I would follow a couple around on a date around outside and help capture the evening. As an example, my wife and I love to get Punch Pizza in St. Paul and then cross the street to get a some ice cream at Grand Old Creamery and go for a walk around the neighborhood. If something like this interests you and your spouse or significant other, feel free to reach out via my contact me page and we can spitball some ideas and start planning!

As always, I appreciate any feedback or comments you have on these posts. Check out my Instagram and let me know what you think!

Currently Listening To: Without You by Parachute